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Updated 6 months ago


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The community member reported an issue with the llama index library, where the change from using pypdf2 to pypdf caused a "pkg pypdf not found" error. They tried adding and upgrading pypdf using poetry, but the issue persisted. The community members discussed potential solutions, such as checking if pypdf2 was merged into pypdf, and whether removing pypdf2 might help. Eventually, one community member found that the issue was related to their poetry environment, and they were able to resolve the problem.

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Bug? I realized the pdf file no longer working after the llama index changed from pypdf2 to pypdf, It throws error 'pkg pypdf not found', i have tried both poetry add and upgrade for pypdf. It still cannot be imported. Is this a bug? Why change from pypdf2 to pypdf?
Pypdf2 was merged into pypdf no?

Does pip install pypdf not work?
i did use poetry add pypdf, and use pip install pypdf says 'pip install pypdf
Requirement already satisfied: pypdf in /Users/jma/miniconda3/envs/rfp-annotation/lib/python3.10/site-packages (3.14.0)'
however, if i try 'import pypdf', vscode pylance would tell it's not resolved
Oh screw Pylance haha
Always hard to configure
same errror when run local fasapi and cloud env fastapi
at run time, llama index throwed not found error, even the package is in requriements.txt
pypdf2==3.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0" pypdf==3.14.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
do i need to remove pypdf2 ?
I just tried in a fresh env and it worked fine for me πŸ€”
maybe my env issue, thanks for the info, will check more on my side.
It was my poetry env issue, resolved now. Thanks for helping!πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ
Nice! πŸ’ͺglad you fixed it
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