Does anyone know how to fix the
maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
error in DocumentsSummaryIndex?
RecursionError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 87
84 _, _, scope_id = question
85 if not '>' in scope_id or is_child_of_yes_scope(scope_id):
86 #print(f"query scope_id={scope_id}, {question}")
---> 87 result: Result = query_engine_manager.execute_questions([question], None, None)
88 # Check the result and update yes_scopes if result starts with 'yes'
89 if result.question_answer_pairs:
File ~/dev/airpunchai/annotation-assistant/app/llm/, in QueryEngineManager.execute_questions(self, annotator_questions, taxonomy_map, flatten_org_taxonomy)
539 logger.debug("query_template_size=%d", len(query_template))
540 logger.debug("query_template=%s", query_template)
--> 542 query_result = self.query_engine.query(query_template)
544 # Create a QuestionAnswer object for the current iteration
545 qa = QuestionAnswer(
546 question_id=question_id,
547 taxonomy=taxonomy,
550 taxonomy_answer=[], # Assuming this is an empty list for now, modify as needed
551 )
File ~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin-g8Qw76ZE-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/llama_index/indices/query/, in BaseQueryEngine.query(self, str_or_query_bundle)
21 if isinstance(str_or_query_bundle, str):
22 str_or_query_bundle = QueryBundle(str_or_query_bundle)
117 def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
118 """Override for isinstance(instance, cls)."""
--> 119 return _abc_instancecheck(cls, instance)
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison