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Updated 2 years ago


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OpenAI just released their ChatGPT models/API. Thoughts on integration with gpt-index?
shouldn't it be as easy as just changing the model in LLMPredictor?
oh I see it is not same as completions endpoint.
There’s an additional parameter “messages”. not sure how easy/difficult that would be to implement
I tried, it didnt work
is the messages your entire conversation with the assistant?
I think so…which is kinda meh to me. Like what if you have many messages lol, I guess it’s up to us to determine how many messages we want to be in context
But Now that I think about it, each chat thread probably won’t be more than a small number of messages anyways…in theory
does it persist the conversation after you send a request to chat/completions endpoint or you can only create a conversation once and then that's it?
What I mean is that they don't return conversation-id unlike how they do it on browser.
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