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Updated 2 years ago

Will mock functionality be added to the

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Will mock functionality be added to the GPTKnowledgeGraphIndex in the future? Passing an embed and llm mock into it fails
What are you trying to do with mocks exactly?
I'm just trying to estimate the token usage before the actual request is executed
So I call GPTKnowledgeGraphIndex's constructor once with the mocks and then after I confirm that the price is reasonable I call it with the actual predictor and embedding model
It works for the other index types like tree, simple, but fails for knowldege graph
ohhh I see. I can probably take a look at that later today, thanks for making the github issue πŸ‘
No prob, thank you so much!
@Kaveen it's been merged! Should be included in the next release, or you can install directly from github πŸ‘
@Logan M Thank you so much!
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