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what could possibly be causing this

At a glance
what could possibly be causing this error?
You are sure that self.embedder.get_query_embedding(query) returns the expected dimension? πŸ€”
Plain Text
 async def aget_text_embedding(self, text: str) -> Embedding:
        Generates an embedding for the given text
        txt_embedding = await self._aget_text_embedding(text)
        return txt_embedding

Plain Text
text_model: str = "sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2",

768 dimensionality

Plain Text
 def _get_query_embedding(self, query: str) -> Embedding:
        Generates an embedding for the given query
        qry_embedding = self._text_model.get_query_embedding(query)
        return qry_embedding
interesting πŸ€” Somehow, it says your query embedding has 512 dimenions (while the data stored in the vector store has 768)
Plain Text
    similarity = similarity_fn(query_embedding_np, emb)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/core/embeddings/", line 48, in similarity
    product =, embedding2)
ValueError: shapes (512,) and (768,) not aligned: 512 (dim 0) != 768 (dim 0)

So query embed == 512, and vector_store == 768, If im reading that correctly πŸ€”
right which doesn't make any sense
ZEmbedding is part of my ZPipeline which is the embedder
and I'm using the same thing
Hmm.. I think the issue is, in order to retrieve images, it needs to use the clip embeddings (not mpnet)
I can't find the dimensionality of OpenCLIP embeddings anywhere tbh
but if that was the case then the OpenCLIP embeddings that are embedding my images should be erroring on insertion no?
cause I legit specifically create the collection cause
Llama Index lazy init's them and I want payload indexes
I think its just a small bug when you are specifically using the query bundle here
I would use the retriever directly and let the retriever figure it out
the way you guys have the retriever doesn't work for. me
I can't have it thinking about which images to get period
I need it to filter them by user ID, sort by Cluster ID, then retrieve the top_k from each cluster
I basically just made it a "retriever"
but really it's my own code, it pulls the nodes, converts them to ImageNodes
which, with hybrid search maybe this is my issue?
Plain Text
    def record_to_image_node(self, record: Record) -> ImageNode:
        if record.payload is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Record payload is None, cannot convert to ImageNode"
        if not isinstance(record.payload, dict):
            raise TypeError("Record payload is not a dictionary")
        if record.vector.get("text-dense", None) is not None:  # type: ignore
            node_content = json.loads(record.payload.get("_node_content", "{}"))
            node = ImageNode(
                embedding=record.vector.get("text-dense"),  # type: ignore
                metadata=node_content.get("metadata", {}),
                text=record.payload.get("text", ""),
                image=record.payload.get("image", None),
                image_path=record.payload.get("image_path", None),
                image_url=record.payload.get("image_url", None),
                image_mimetype=record.payload.get("image_mimetype", None),
            node_content = json.loads(record.payload.get("_node_content", "{}"))
            node = ImageNode(
                metadata=node_content.get("metadata", {}),
                text=record.payload.get("text", ""),
                image=record.payload.get("image", None),
                image_path=record.payload.get("image_path", None),
                image_url=record.payload.get("image_url", None),
                image_mimetype=record.payload.get("image_mimetype", None),
        return node
Plain Text
retriever = index.as_retriever(...)

image_source_nodes = retriever.text_to_image_retrieve("query")
You cant do that?
no because the retriever is "dumb"
it tries to ask itself which of the images are relevant to my query
I want it to ask itself which images of each cluster are most relevant to the query
So the issue here is, if you want to retrieve imaegs , you need to use clip embeddings, not mpnet
I'm not asking it to retrieve, I know which images I need
gotcha, that makes sense
so I should be using the image embedding model to embed the query string instead?
yessir πŸ‘
lit thank you ❀️
do you know what that pooling thing is?
Plain Text
    async def async_init(cls, user_id: str):
        Initializes the async qdrant client and what not
        self = cls()
        if not cls._qdrant_client_normal:
            cls._qdrant_client_normal = QdrantClient(
        if not cls._qdrant_client:
            cls._qdrant_client = AsyncQdrantClient(
        print("Qdrant Client Created for testing")
        # Initialize the text and image stores
        text_store_name = "test_text_store"
        cls._text_store = QdrantVectorStore(
        if not cls._text_store._collection_initialized:
        image_store_name = "test_image_store"
        cls._image_store = QdrantVectorStore(
        if not cls._image_store._collection_initialized:
        await self.setup_payload_indices()
        self._image_clusterer = ImageClusterer(

        # Initialize the ZPipeline with the test stores and embeddings
        cls._pipeline = ZPipeline(
        cls._image_retriever = ZImageRetriever(

        print("Test VectorStore and ZPipeline initialized")
        return self
Something in there is causing my load times to be like, huge, and I don't know why
did not fix it 😦
could it be because when I parse them into the image nodes I'm not storing both dense and sparse vector?
mmm maybe? It should be generating the sparse vectors automatically though πŸ€”
Plain Text
    async def aget_nodes_paginated(
        vector_client: AsyncQdrantClient,
        collection_name: str,
        query_filter: Filter,
        limit: int = 100,
        get_all: bool = False,
    ) -> list[Record]:
        Asynchronously get the embeddings from the user paginated to manage request size.
        nodes: list[Record] = []
        nodes_pulled: tuple[
            list[Record], PointId | None
        ] = await vector_client.scroll(
        offset_id = nodes_pulled[1]
        if get_all:
            while offset_id:
                nodes_pulled: tuple[
                    list[Record], PointId | None
                ] = await vector_client.scroll(
                offset_id = nodes_pulled[1]
        return nodes
and then I convert them
to ImageNode's but I don't store the sparse vector too, should I?
probably I'd imagine
cause I just do

Plain Text
    def record_to_image_node(self, record: Record) -> ImageNode:
        if record.payload is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Record payload is None, cannot convert to ImageNode"
        if not isinstance(record.payload, dict):
            raise TypeError("Record payload is not a dictionary")
        if record.vector.get("text-dense", None) is not None:  # type: ignore
            node_content = json.loads(record.payload.get("_node_content", "{}"))
            node = ImageNode(
                embedding=record.vector.get("text-dense"),  # type: ignore
                metadata=node_content.get("metadata", {}),
                text=record.payload.get("text", ""),
                image=record.payload.get("image", None),
                image_path=record.payload.get("image_path", None),
                image_url=record.payload.get("image_url", None),
                image_mimetype=record.payload.get("image_mimetype", None),
            node_content = json.loads(record.payload.get("_node_content", "{}"))
            node = ImageNode(
                metadata=node_content.get("metadata", {}),
                text=record.payload.get("text", ""),
                image=record.payload.get("image", None),
                image_path=record.payload.get("image_path", None),
                image_url=record.payload.get("image_url", None),
                image_mimetype=record.payload.get("image_mimetype", None),
        return node
Yea not toally sure here -- we getting super custom now haha
well yeah but how can I debug it? I'm using a MultiModalVectorStoreIndex over a grouping of ImageNodes, that's about it
the only diff is I don't know how ImageNodes look when they have hybrid vectors
or if that's even relevant
Do you need hybrid vectors? It really only applies to text
oh, really? I was thinking the hybrid vectors might help with the summary and keywords/entities
but no, I def don't need it, I just thought it would return more optimal results
It might help yea πŸ€” But the logic feels pretty tricky with multimodal, because now you have text embeddings, sparse text embeddings, and image embeddings
it could work, but will take some confusing setup I think

Basically youd need one collection for image embeddings, and another collection for text+sparse embeddings?
Yeah I essentially enabled hybrid on both because I assumed it didn't matter, but lemme try inserting some and stuff without hybrid to see
so I disabled hybrid and made a new collection (test_image_nohybrid) and inserted there, ran the same thing, and still error
I'm trying it one more time now
I set the image_embed_model in the index @Logan M and that worked, but now I get
Plain Text
Getting image records
Converted 15 records to ImageNodes
Found 1 clusters
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/app/db/", line 295, in <module>
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/", line 30, in run
    return loop.run_until_complete(task)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/", line 98, in run_until_complete
    return f.result()
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.7_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 203, in result
    raise self._exception.with_traceback(self._exception_tb)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.7_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 277, in __step
    result = coro.send(None)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/app/db/", line 238, in main
    user_images = await vector_store_temp.get_user_images()
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/app/db/", line 191, in get_user_images
    return await self._image_retriever.aretrieve(query_str)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/app/ai/", line 212, in aretrieve
    return await self._atext_to_image_retrieve(query)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/app/ai/", line 203, in _atext_to_image_retrieve
    response = await engine.aquery(query_bundle)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/core/", line 46, in aquery
    return await self._aquery(str_or_query_bundle)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/query_engine/", line 220, in _aquery
    response = await self.asynthesize(
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/query_engine/", line 146, in asynthesize
    llm_response = await self._multi_modal_llm.acomplete(
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/multi_modal_llms/", line 380, in acomplete
    return await self._acomplete(prompt, image_documents, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/multi_modal_llms/", line 362, in _acomplete
    message_dict = self._get_multi_modal_chat_messages(
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/multi_modal_llms/", line 173, in _get_multi_modal_chat_messages
  File "/Users/zachhandley/Documents/GitHub/my_project/api/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/llama_index/multi_modal_llms/", line 41, in generate_openai_multi_modal_chat_message
    mimetype = image_document.image_mimetype or "image/jpeg"
AttributeError: 'NodeWithScore' object has no attribute 'image_mimetype'
which, that is set
I think that's low key a bug

It's passing in node with score. But image mimetype is set on ImageNode/ImageDocumrnt
yeah I'm passing it ImageDocuments
a list of nodes that I retrieve, I confirmed they are correct
How do you guys parse data from Qdrant? Is there a helper function I can use?
Just that function
is it possible that that is being used to parse the image nodes and for some reason dropping the mimetype?
I don't think so. I think it's an object type error (NodeWithScore doesn't have an image_mimetype value, NodeWithScore.node does)
either way I think it should be
mimetype = image_document.node.get("image_mimetype") or "image/jpeg"
That would be the correct code. But actually, NodeWithScore shouldn't even be passed into that function (it should be the node)
yeah you're right
I changed it and then AttributeError: 'NodeWithScore' object has no attribute 'image'
Inside inside the query_engine online 220 it's calling response = await self.asynthesize which has a list[NodeWithScore] parameter inside that same file
that seems to be the issue
it's this function
Plain Text
def _get_image_and_text_nodes(
    nodes: List[NodeWithScore],
) -> Tuple[List[NodeWithScore], List[NodeWithScore]]:
    image_nodes = []
    text_nodes = []
    for res_node in nodes:
        if isinstance(res_node.node, ImageNode):
    return image_nodes, text_nodes
and the synthesize in multi_modal
But here, it's getting the node from each nodewithscore.

Unless it's nesting nodewithscore inside another nodewithscore? 😡
so it looks like it's calling that wait
could it be because I'm using ImageDocuments and not ImageNodes?
just curious if it could be that simple
no i take it back
I'm giving it image nodes
should I just hold off for now and wait for a fix or dig into it more?
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