The community member asks if the llama index supports custom vectorIndexConfig parameters, such as efConstruction, when using Weaviate. Another community member responds that the llama index accepts a few parameters, and that the user can optionally initialize the index with a custom schema, but some parts need to be the same for querying to work. The community member then states they would like to change efConstruction and possibly other parameters, and another community member confirms that the user will need to create the schema ahead of time, providing a link to the default schema.
Hi everyone. When using weaviate, does llama index support custom vectorIndexConfig parameters such as efConstruction, either by specifying them directly, or by using an existing schema during index construction, rather than creating a new one?
Right now we accept a few parameters. We create a default schema, but you can optionally initialize the index with a custom schema, but some parts need to be the same on order for querying to work