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Updated 2 years ago

Visual Studio Code - test_3.ipynb - CSVd...

At a glance

I am facing a blocker.

This demo is about building a chat bot that works on .CSV files and also can work on SQL queries. and can answer normal questions by analysing the .CSV file
BLOCKER: I got a blocker that makes an outcome error, which the bot is unable to answer normal Query, its saying NONE as outcome for every normal Question as shown in loom video:

Here is the GitHub Link too:

Here is DATASET:

@Logan M
I think your retrieve_data function is incorrect. You need to have Document objects to insert into an index. Maybe try out the db loader here:

Also, when you load an index from storage, you'll need to add the service context again

load_index_from_storage(storage_context, service_context=service_context)

(Although tbh, I wouldn't recommend the LLM you are using. I would use gpt-3.5-turbo if you need a cheap one)
Thank you Logan!πŸ™ŒπŸ»
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