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Updated last year


At a glance
So that entire _note_content field is what gets used to re-create the node
I'd be really surprsied if the retrieved nodes don't include all that info
metadata_dict_to_node() should be converting the whole thing
unless it's silently hitting the try/except for some reason
there's no metadata in there in the actual db..
i wonder how i'm making my text nodes..
Hmmm your screenshot definitely has metadata (file_name and answer fields) -- unless thats from a different db lol
in the relationship it has the metadata
You can still access that on the source nodes, just less intuitive
I agree it should be on the actual nodes
yeah, but the actual node itself should have it
i don't think that's a llama issue though
it's strange
because both the node in question and its related node were made in the exact same way
solved @Logan M
using a helper function called build_nodes_from_splits to generate my nodes
unless i'm missing something, it does not add the metadata from the document
ah yea, that's an option in the node parser class (for some reason)
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