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text splitter

At a glance
how to customize Text Splitter use SpacyTextSplitter?
you can use any Langchain splitter
@bmax i got this Expected type 'TextSplitter | None', got 'SpacyTextSplitter' instead
can you send that portion of code @ChuanYue and imports
Plain Text
text_splitter = SpacyTextSplitter(chunk_size=512)
    parser = SimpleNodeParser.from_defaults(text_splitter=text_splitter)
    documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(file_path, filename_as_id=True).load_data()
@bmax Is that right
that looks mostly right @ChuanYue -- you'll have to pass the node parser into the service_context and then the service context into the index
what is your error stack trace exactly?
@ChuanYue what version of llama-index do you have? I fixed this in a recent version
@Logan M It's already good after my update, thanks
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