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Updated 4 weeks ago

Structured Data Extraction with O1-Mini and O1-Preview

Hi, I am trying to extract a pydantic model and having success using "gpt-4o" and "gpt-4o-mini" but cannot get it working with "o1-preview" and "o1-mini".
Can anyone help with how to perform structured data extraction with o1-mini and o1-preview please

Plain Text
class Biography(BaseModel):
    """Data model for a biography."""

    name: str
    best_known_for: List[str]
    extra_info: str

documents = [Document(
    text="My name is John Dewberry, I am known for my back flips and I live under a mushroom in Alberta"

index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents)

llms = ["gpt-4o","gpt-4o-mini","o1-preview","o1-mini"]
for llm_name in llms:

    llm = OpenAI(model=llm_name, temperature=0.1)

    query_engine = index.as_query_engine(
        output_cls=Biography, response_mode="compact", llm=llm

    response = query_engine.query("Who is John DewBerry?")

    print(f"{llm_name}: {response.response.model_dump_json()}")  # this fails with BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': "Unsupported parameter: 'tool_choice' is not supported with this model."
o1 does not support tools/functions afaik
Thanks Logan, I see that OpenAi suggest chaining "The o1 class of models currently doesn't have structured outputs support, but we can re-use existing structured outputs functionality from gpt-4o-mini by chaining two requests together. This flow currently requires two calls, but the second gpt-4o-mini call cost should be minimal compared to the o1-preview/o1-mini calls."
Is chaining like this possible in Llama-Index?
I guess so - Is that QueryPipeline?
Openai doesn't have full context here. I don't think putting two llm calls together here makes total sense πŸ€”
Maybe I am unclear Logan. I need a pydantic response but I also on occasion need a powerful model like o1. Therefore I could ask o1 to perform the complex task and deliver the result in JSON (as the completion output, requested in the prompt). I could then pass this JSON string (which may not be well formed or validate) into an LLM such as gpt-4o-mini and convert using function calling into a well-strcutured pydantic response. I know this is possible, I was just wondering if there were tools for this kind of workflow in LlamaIndex
I mean, maybe, if you wrote the flow using lower-level components. Like using a retriever and llm directly, inside a workflow
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