Hi, how to use langchain SQLDatabase Chain with embedded table schema index? Llamaindex provide option to store embedded table schema index from service context. Then how to use similar one from Langchain?
@Logan M Thanks Logan. This is similar to what I'm trying now. However, currently I face challenge is that for sql index query, it could only return sql result. However, we need to convert sql result back into a customized summary way. So what I'm facing is that sometimes is sql result is large, directly using QuestionAnswer prompt to convert sql result back to natural langauge hit token limit. Then I tried using index, but passing all sql result as one document still will throw some format error. However, if I split each row as one document, prompt result always return only 1 row record. Do you have any better suggestion for this?
@Logan M and one more question. Currently does llamaindex support gpt4? I try to convert to gpt4. But when use verctor index.query, it shows error of needs engine or deployment id, which I've already passed api key.