To specify the number of documents used by a retriever, you can set the
parameter when using a specific reader. For example, when using the
, you can set the
parameter to control the number of results returned.
Here's an example from the extracted information:
- **index_name** (*str*) – Name of the index.
- **id_to_text_map** (*Dict**[**str**,* *str**]*) – A map from ID’s to text.
- **separate_documents** (*Optional**[**bool**]*) – Whether to return separate
documents per retrieved entry. Defaults to True.
- **vector** (*List**[**float**]*) – Query vector.
- **top_k** (*int*) – Number of results to return.
- **include_values** (*bool*) – Whether to include the embedding in the response.
Defaults to True.
- ****query_kwargs** – Keyword arguments to pass to the query.
Arguments are the exact same as those found in
Pinecone’s reference documentation for the
query method.
A list of documents.
Return type
List**[Document** (https://gpt-index.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/readers.html#gpt_index.readers.Document)]
In this case, you can set the
parameter to control the number of documents returned by the retriever.
GPT Index Readers (
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