The community member is having an issue with the required attributes for the ServiceContext class, specifically prompt_helper, embed_model, node_parser, and llama_logger. The community members suggest using ServiceContext.from_defaults(..) and only passing in the arguments that need to be modified, such as llm_predictor. They also mention that the community member's previous advice helped them make progress. However, the community member is now encountering an authentication error when using a custom llm_predictor. The community members suggest checking the OpenAI API key and the LLM being used.
The community members provide a solution by using service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(llm_predictor=llm_predictor), which sets everything to the default settings except for the llm_predictor. The community member eventually fixes the issue by declaring the openai.api_key variable.
Hey for Service context are all these attributes required? 'prompt_helper', 'embed_model', 'node_parser', and 'llama_logger'. I get an error that they are