Hmm, should I format it in another way:
context_query_kwargs={"cat_breeds": "name,origin,temperament,size,social_behavior"}
It does now pass the description: {'result': [('Maine Coon', 'Very Large')],
'sql_query': 'SELECT name, size\nFROM cat_breeds\nORDER BY size DESC\nLIMIT 1;'}
[('Savannah', 'USA', 'high energy', 'Large', 'sociable'), ('Ragdoll', 'USA', 'gentle', 'Large', 'sociable'), ('Maine Coon', 'USA (Maine)', 'friendly', 'Very Large', 'sociable')]
INFO:llama_index.indices.struct_store.sql_query:> Table desc str: Table 'cat_breeds' has columns: name (VARCHAR(16)), origin (VARCHAR(16)), temperament (VARCHAR(16)), size (VARCHAR(16)), social_behavior (VARCHAR(16)), and foreign keys: . The table description is: name,origin,temperament,size,social_behavior
Table desc str: Table 'cat_breeds' has columns: name (VARCHAR(16)), origin (VARCHAR(16)), temperament (VARCHAR(16)), size (VARCHAR(16)), social_behavior (VARCHAR(16)), and foreign keys: . The table description is: name,origin,temperament,size,social_behavior
but for some reason it is still looking for the non existing column: OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such column: life_expectancy
[SQL: SELECT name, life_expectancy
FROM cat_breeds
WHERE name = 'Ragdoll']
I'm using only NLSQLTableQueryEngine now. Should I format it differently?