gone through the notebook and found it was about creating a collection of index.queries() (index.query() can be wrapped under TransformQueryEngine ), the collection also contains the description of the query function.
then we can create RouterQueryEngine over all the collection of query functions along with a LLMSingleSelector (which according to me helps in selecting a single tool)
got this much and found that it will help in our use case, thanks
but still did not find any relevance of CustomRetriever with _retrieve() method to serve our use case.
our use case is to have 3 query tools
- answer from company doc
- answer from fixed docs
- answer directly from open ai without any context.
we can use RouterQueryEngine with a LLMSingleSelector for 1 and 2
but still did not get how to CustomRetriever with _retrieve() will be utilized in our usecase
@Logan M @ravitheja @jerryjliu0