Is there a way to run multiple OpenAIAgents using the callback manager concurrently?
I have tried the following for one query to one OpenAIAgent 'top_agent':
thread = Thread(target=agent.stream_chat, args=(query))
Which works for one query but if I want to run multiple queries concurrently I tried the following using Threading:
def query_llama_index(query, agent):
response = agent.stream_chat(query)
queries = ["riddle me this", riddle me that"]
for query in queries:
thread = Thread(target=query_llama_index, args=(query, agent))
This runs however I receive no output from the Stream. My StreamingResponse looks like below:
def event_generator():
queue = agent.callback_manager.handlers[0].queue
# stream response
while True:
next_item = queue.get(True, 60.0) # set a generous timeout of 60 seconds
# check type of next_item, if string or not
if isinstance(next_item, EventObject):
yield convert_sse(dict(next_item))
elif isinstance(next_item, StreamingAgentChatResponse):
response = cast(StreamingAgentChatResponse, next_item)
for text in response.response_gen:
yield convert_sse(text)
return StreamingResponse(event_generator(), media_type="text/event-stream")
Can OpenAIAgent's be used in multiple threads? If so, how do I 'queue' all these callbacks in the one queue and receive them?