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Updated 6 months ago

[Question]: Retriever unable to retrieve...

At a glance
Hi there, I have an issue with Json Query or rather i am struggling to find a solution to do a proper query of json data. I had posted the question in Github , but was hoping someone could help me out here. Basically the problem is that I have a json file with number of different fields . I can retrieve for example only one title and no other information . The problem i see is that for some reason the retriever cannot transverse through the json file. I am using Mistral 7b instruct cookbook to experiment. The link to the i
json example . any heads up would be really helpful
github question :
Right, the base vector store index is just doing simple top-k retrieval
If you want to "traverse" a json file, you probably need something more custom imo
@Logan M these agents are for Open AI models right , not for open source models if i understand correctly.
hmm? These aren't agents. They will work with any LLM
@Logan M thank you i thought it was openai specific. I actually get the follow error message which is not related to llama index but Sqlite . I am wondering if something needs to be updated ?

Plain Text
Warning: You can only execute one statement at a time.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/llama_index/core/query_engine/ in default_jsonalyzer(list_of_dict, query_bundle, llm, table_name, prompt, sql_parser)
    106         # Execute the SQL query
    107         results = list(db.query(sql_query))
--> 108     except sqlite_utils.db_exceptions.OperationalError as exc:
    109         print_text(f"Error executing query: {sql_query}")
    110         raise ValueError("Invalid query") from exc

AttributeError: module 'sqlite_utils' has no attribute 'db_exceptions'
Seems like your sqlite utils version is not up to date?
@Logan M it is updated to the latest / greatest version as posted on other channel sqlite-utils-3.36
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