Hey, I'm running into an issue using structured outputs with query engine (following guide called Query Engine with Pydantic Outputs). I'm using vLLM for my backend and OpenAILike module for connecting. Currently getting Error 400, Value Error 'tool_choice' must either be a named tool, "auto", or "none". Saw a recommendation to add tool_choice="none" if using structured_llm.chat(), but since I'm using query engine I can't do that. How do I best do this? Do I have to manually create a workflow for this?
I meant I used tools for a similar implementation of "Workflow for a ReAct Agent" that implements ReAct agent with Query Engine Tools. I'm assuming that uses tool choice for function calling in the same way that structured outputs use tool choice. I might be misunderstanding how this works. Thanks!
Just got to test this today, seems like if is_function_calling_model=False the error changes to 'Value error, When using 'tool_choice', 'tools' must be set.'