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Updated 4 months ago

Pinecone agent

At a glance
Is it possible with a pinecone index or only GPTSimpleVectorIndex?
Should be fine with pinecone!

I saw you were having some error with set_text too, did you figure that out?
Not yet!
AttributeError: 'Pinecone' object has no attribute 'set_text'. That's the error!

And when I create a ListIndex like the guide {list_index = GPTListIndex([index_set[y] for y in topics], llm_predictor=llm_predictor)} I get this error: ValueError: Invalid document type: <class 'langchain.vectorstores.pinecone.Pinecone'>.

That's why I asked for Pinecone
Is index_set[y] an instance of GPTPineconeIndex ?
(It looks like it's not, which means it won't work)
Exactly! I'm wondering if there's a way to make the pinecone index work with a chat agent. What do you think? Let's ask also to @jerryjliu0 !
hey @AndreaSel93 , as @Logan M mentioned, is index_set[y] an instance of GPTPineconeIndex?
From what I got i would say no! That’s why I asked how I could use a pinecone index with an agent 🙂
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