Hey guys, I'm a bit confused as to how VectorStoreIndex.from_documents work. I am using chromadb to have my code the way I do it is :
1- I upload my document,
2- split it into chunks
3- load it in the vector store using this code
def create_index_from_documents_background(docs, document, storage_context, service_context):
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(docs, storage_context=storage_context, service_context=service_context)
4- try to retrieve it later using a unified id. Issue is, it returns an empty list. Do I need to commit the changes someone to chromadb or something ?
I've attempted to visualize the VectorStoreIndex in Chroma and that's not possible apparently. Any guidance on how to manage this more efficiently / get me to update the doc_id to be linked to the right document