I have a milvus vector database and mongodb database for docstore and indexstore. I have created an index with VectorStoreIndex.from_documents using the following StorageContext:
storage_context = StorageContext.from_defaults(vector_store=vector_store,
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(docs, storage_context=storage_context, service_context=service_context, store_nodes_override=True)
So atm I have a collection in milvus and two databases and some collections in mongodb.
Is there a specific way to recreate this index later using the docstore and indexstore from mongodb and the specific collection from milvus?
I've been trying for awhile now to recreate the index exactly as I have it here, but nothing seems to give back the doc informaton in the docstore.
The closest I've been able to get is creating an index with the mongodb storage context but no vectorstore, or a vectorstore but without the storage context from mongodb.
Edit: The main issue seems to be that the source_nodes information is always pulled from the vector database even though that is not where the information is actually mostly stored which is in the docstore