The author didn't mention what they did growing up. The context only talks about the author's experiences as an adult, such as painting, working on web apps, and starting companies. There is no information about their childhood or growing up years.
The author wrote short stories and tried writing programs on the IBM 1401 computer in 9th grade.
is not compatible with llama-index or if we need to adjust other parameters to make it work. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.if
condition to get an index from an existing vector store, a new index is created in the database like you can see in this capture (the last lines data_..idx..).vector_db=# \d+ data_paul_graham_essay; Table "public.data_paul_graham_essay" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description -----------+-------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- id | bigint | | not null | nextval('data_paul_graham_essay_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | | | text | character varying | | not null | | extended | | | metadata_ | json | | | | extended | | | node_id | character varying | | | | extended | | | embedding | vector(1024) | | | | external | | | Indexes: "data_paul_graham_essay_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "data_paul_graham_essay_embedding_idx" hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops) WITH (m='16', ef_construction='64') "data_paul_graham_essay_embedding_idx1" hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops) WITH (m='16', ef_construction='64') "data_paul_graham_essay_embedding_idx2" hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops) WITH (m='16', ef_construction='64') Access method: heap