Running the REBEL + wiki KG index, somehow pytorch error?
File ~/anaconda3/envs/test_cluster2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/transformers/generation/, in BeamSearchScorer.finalize(self, input_ids, final_beam_scores, final_beam_tokens, final_beam_indices, max_length, pad_token_id, eos_token_id, beam_indices, decoder_prompt_len)
395 # fill with hypotheses and eos_token_id if the latter fits in
396 for i, (hypo, best_idx) in enumerate(zip(best, best_indices)):
--> 397 decoded[i, : sent_lengths[i]] = hypo
399 if indices is not None:
400 indices[i, : len(best_idx)] = torch.tensor(best_idx)
RuntimeError: The expanded size of the tensor (200) must match the existing size (38) at non-singleton dimension 0. Target sizes: [200]. Tensor sizes: [38]