Hey folks, I have a question when it comes to a ReaAct agent (in this case a chat engine) - it doesn't seem to me like there is an elegant way to stream all events, including inner thoughts. When I set up a response stream I only get the final answer streamed. Peeking into the implementation it seems like the main ReaAct loop runs before the response stream is even created and returned, leading to the behavior that one may wait quite a bit before getting the final response. I'm wondering if there is something I'm missing? I got around it for now by implementing a callback handler that streams all the inner loop thoughts as well, but it seems a bit hacky. Any ideas on better ways to do this?
Does anyone know how to persist an ObjectIndex? The actual index is internal (_index) and when persisting it it does not seem straight forward to reload it from disk. I'm curious why this isn't supported like it is with other types of indexes.