Hello! I've been testing with hybrid search for both weaviate and pinecone and got very weird results.
I am doing a search for restaurants based on their descriptions - here I am printing the name of the restaurant and the score.
It seems that bm25 is simply not working when I setup for alpha>0.
When using Weaviate (exact same setup) I got score = 1 for every alpha > 0 - only regular got the right score.
obs: this happens for no matter what query I use
obs2: I am using both the free version of pinecone and weaviate
I am happy to share more code if necessary
ret = idx.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=5)
bm25 = idx.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=5, vector_store_query_mode="hybrid", alpha=0.0)
hret = idx.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=5, vector_store_query_mode="hybrid", alpha=0.75)
hsnw = idx.as_retriever(similarity_top_k=5, vector_store_query_mode="hybrid", alpha=1.0)