Hi everyone!
I'm trying composability of indexes, based on
https://gpt-index.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/use_cases.html#use-case-combining-information-across-multiple-indicesindex1 = GPTSimpleVectorIndex(notion_docs)
index2 = GPTSimpleVectorIndex(slack_docs)
# Set summary text
# you can set the summary manually, or you can
# generate the summary itself using LlamaIndex
index3 = GPTListIndex([index1, index2])
response = index3.query("<query_str>", mode="recursive", query_configs=...)
I understand that in the example, when I do index3.query, it uses the summary of each subindex to select which one to use.
But what I need is just search across both indexes, and get the best choice based on similarity, as if it is just one unique index.
Am I doing something wrong?