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hello there, i have some questions about preparing your knowledge base for a multimodal rag application.

referencing from this guide -
it iterates through each page and creates a TextNode, and at the same time, adds the page number and image path of the image as metadata.

For my case, I am using MarkdownElementNodeParser which separates texts and tables into IndexNode and BaseNode. Similarly I will like to add page number and image path into these nodes' metadata. But the sequence of the nodes are already jumbled up from line 2 onwards. So how can I still add the page number and image path in them? Thanks

Plain Text
[1] node_parser = MarkdownElementNodeParser(llm=llm)
[2] nodes = node_parser.get_nodes_from_documents([document])
[3] base_nodes, objects = node_parser.get_nodes_and_objects(nodes)
your initial input documents should probably be per-page already, and have the metadata attached, so that the nodes inherit it
So before running line 2 of the code, document (the Document object from LlamaParse) should already have page number and image path as metadata?

My document exist in Azure blob storage and I am passing in my file as file bytes to the parsing service via .get_json_result()

For context this is my set up and parsing steps
Plain Text
# define LlamaParse parameters
parser_params = {
    'api_key': LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY,
    'result_type': 'markdown',

parser = LlamaParse(**parser_params)
extra_info = {"file_name": blob_name}

# code to download blob as bytes

# write document stream to temp file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf', delete=False) as temp_file:
    temp_file_path =

# parse document
document = parser.get_json_result(, extra_info=extra_info)

# clean up temp file
get_json_result doesn't return Document object, but rather, a bunch of info that you can use to construct a Document
I should use load_data then?
maybe? I think you lose out on some metadata though. I would use the json result and construct document objects from it, that way you can get any info you want
This is a thourough example of what the json result is returning

From there, you could construct document objects Document(text=text, metadata={'key': 'val', ...}
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