Some more useful logs
Vector store index created and ready for use.
DEBUGGG NEHIL [MetadataInfo(name='name', type='str', description='Name of the founder in the profile. Usually in headers'), MetadataInfo(name='profile_url', type='str', description='The url of the profile which is the url of the page'), MetadataInfo(name='linkedin_url', type='str', description='A linked in profile url attached to the profile. Could be None but very rarely.'), MetadataInfo(name='hobbies', type='list[str]', description='List of hobbies of the founder. ex: Cycling, Reading, Gaming'), MetadataInfo(name='employement_industries', type='list[str]', description='List of industries the founder has worked in. ex: AI, Real Estate, Travel'), MetadataInfo(name='location', type='str', description='Location of the founder. Usually in the format location: city, state, country. ex: location: New York, NY, USA'), MetadataInfo(name='age', type='int', description='Age of the founder. Usually in the format age: x. ex: age: 25')]
DEBUGING str_or_query_bundle in _retrieve Who are some founders that are 30 or below
INFO:httpx:HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
INFO:llama_index.core.indices.vector_store.retrievers.auto_retriever.auto_retriever:Using query str: Profiles of founders from startup school YC platform
Using query str: Profiles of founders from startup school YC platform
INFO:llama_index.core.indices.vector_store.retrievers.auto_retriever.auto_retriever:Using filters: [('age', '<=', 30)]
Using filters: [('age', '<=', 30)]
Using query str: Profiles of founders from startup school YC platform
Using filters: [('age', '<=', 30)]
INFO:llama_index.core.indices.vector_store.retrievers.auto_retriever.auto_retriever:Using top_k: 2
Using top_k: 2
DEBUGING str_or_query_bundle in _retrieve Profiles of founders from startup school YC platform