The community member is having trouble loading the llama_index module in Python 3.11 using PyCharm. They have installed the required packages (llama_index and langchain) but the module is not being recognized. The community members suggest that the issue might be due to a file or directory with the same name as the module, and recommend renaming it. After renaming the llama_index directory under site-packages, the community member was able to get the module recognized, but still couldn't get GPTSimplevectorindex to work. The community members then suggest using GPTVectorStoreIndex or VectorStoreIndex instead, as the names have been recently changed.
Hi am i missing something here? I cannot seem to load the llama_index module? I am pretty new to python so im sure im missing something. I did the pip install llama_index and pip install langchain. I am using pycharm as my IDE (normally i can just import the plugin but it doesnt recognize it). I am using python 3.11.