Two other questions I have is around context_prompt and system message
st.session_state.chat_engine = index.as_chat_engine(chat_mode = "best", llm = Settings.llm, context_prompt = (system_prompt), verbose=True)
So the thought is to pass some system prompt such as "You are a Virtual Assistant" etc.
Am I doing this correctly? This doesn't give me any error but I don't know if the context_prompt is working well right now given the responses coming back doesn't seem like it's getting the context_prompt.
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "system", "content": f'''
# Here is the document you have to process......
# '''})
So the thought here is passing in some documents here to process as system message in addtion to user prompt. This currently does give out error given that message can only have two roles (User, assistant). In that case, should I just use user then?