The post asks if there is a specific channel for LlamaReport. The comments indicate that LlamaReport is not widely available yet, and some community members are having trouble getting it to work. One community member was able to get a basic test case running, but others are still experiencing issues, such as failing to generate a report. A community member with a paid account was able to resolve the issue by tweaking some settings. There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Is it in a working state can't get anything to generate at the moment, even something really basic. I think I am missing a step, how does the LLM integration and payment work?
Hmm, my basic test case just ran. (just uploading two papers and using the summarize papers template option)
Can you share the inputs you are using?
Pretty sure it just charges you for the parsing (which is using llama-parse accurate mode). Tbh it might even be free lol. So if you have credits available or a paid llama-parse plan, it should definitely work
On any PDF for any template this is not working I tried using something similar to your example and it cant get past the first template stage without saying failed to generate report