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Updated 7 months ago

I'm looking for an example of

At a glance
The community member is looking for an example of how to use a custom Span in the Instrumentation feature of the LlamaIndex library. They have read the documentation and looked at the notebooks, but are still unclear on how to create and use a custom Span at a specific point in their RAG pipeline. They have tried creating a custom Span and Span Handler, but the functions in the handler are not being called as expected. The comments suggest that the @dispatcher.span decorator will handle the creation and management of the Span, but the community member is still unsure of how to attach custom properties to the Span and have them appear in the observability tool (Phoenix). Some community members provide examples of how the decorator works and suggest that the community member may need to create their own Event Handler to achieve the desired functionality. There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
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I'm looking for an example of Instrumentation with a custom Span. I'd like to create a custom span instance with a few properties and then enter that span at a specific point in our RAG pipeline, where I can assign values to those properties, and then exit it while updating some properties. I've read and looked at the linked notebooks, but it's unclear to me how we're meant to have our specific custom span used at a specific point in time. For example, when calling dispatcher.span_enter(...), I do not understand what values I'm meant to provide for id_ or bounded_args and I'm only guessing that instance is meant to be the instance of the span I want to use. Futhermore, I can't clearly see how my custom span is the one used when I use the @dispatcher.span decorator. I have placed breakpoints inside the new_span, prepare_to_exit_span, and prepare_to_drop_span functions inside my custom span but it doesn't look like they are called. An example would be helpful. Thanks.
The @dispatcher.span decorator will dispatch a span for each span handler you attached to the dispatcher.

So you would create your custom spans and custom span handler, attach it, decorate your function, and off you go

Theres a lot of async/thread-safe logic that goes into the decorator. It calls span_enter and span_drop for you
Span Handlers consume spans, right?

How do I attach a property to a specific Span such that, when I see it's "start" event in Phoenix, I can also see this property?
spans are mostly just containers for event boundaries

in like 99% of use-cases, I think you probably just want a custom event handler, or just a span handler that attaches some initial attributes (like session info or something) πŸ€”

To attach a property to a span, you'd have to manually call span_enter and span_drop

This is how the decorator calls it
Plain Text
def wrapper(func, instance, args, kwargs):
    bound_args = inspect.signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs)
    id_ = f"{func.__qualname__}-{uuid.uuid4()}"

    token = active_span_id.set(id_)
    parent_id = None if token.old_value is Token.MISSING else token.old_value
        id_=id_, bound_args=bound_args, instance=instance, parent_id=parent_id
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except BaseException as e:
        self.event(SpanDropEvent(span_id=id_, err_str=str(e)))
        self.span_drop(id_=id_, bound_args=bound_args, instance=instance, err=e)
            id_=id_, bound_args=bound_args, instance=instance, result=result
        return result
        # clean up
rip formatting, oh weel
Phoenix only appears to log Spans. If I fire an event, I don't see it in Phoenix. Should I create an Event Handler that listens for 2 events (a start and an end) and then creates a custom span when it sees the second event?

I'm still not sure how to print custom properties to a span such that they show up in Phoenix. An example would be helpful
I made this
Plain Text
class OrchestratorPipelineSpan(BaseSpan):
    num_of_agents: int = Field(default=0)
    agents_names: str = Field(default="nothing here")

class OrchestratorPipelineSpanHandler(BaseSpanHandler[OrchestratorPipelineSpan]):
    def class_name(cls) -> str:
        """Class name."""
        return "OrchestratorPipelineSpanHandler"

    def new_span(
        self, id: str, parent_span_id: Optional[str], **kwargs
    ) -> Optional[OrchestratorPipelineSpan]:
        """Create a span."""
        # logic for creating a new MyCustomSpan
        return OrchestratorPipelineSpan(num_of_agents=42, agents_names="agent1, agent2")

    def prepare_to_exit_span(
        self, id: str, result: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs
    ) -> Any:
        """Logic for preparing to exit a span."""

    def prepare_to_drop_span(self, id: str, err: Optional[Exception], **kwargs) -> Any:
        """Logic for preparing to drop a span."""

root_dispatcher = instrument.get_dispatcher()

and I have breakpoints on each of those print statements in each function in the OrchestratorPipelineSpanHandler, but they never get hit. This is surprising.
I thiiiink events are only recorded if arize if they happen under a existing span πŸ€” (Because arize itself is creating their own span handler)
let me make a quick example maybe
I think you are correct - events are recorded if they happen under existing spans BUT these events also require a span_id property which is the ID of the open span you wish the event to be placed in.

How can we easily get a span_id for a span that is auto-generated via the @dispatcher.span decorator?
I see a current_span_ids property inside the Dispatcher but I don't see it used (yet). It's also a dictionary so it's unclear which span id inside this dictionary is the current active span.
The decorator merely generates the id to be id_ = f"{func.__qualname__}-{uuid.uuid4()}" and then keeps track of the parent span πŸ€” So youd have to repliacte the decorators method for keeping track of a parent span id? I thin?
I'm a little lost on how to log an event.

We do
Plain Text
dispatcher = instrument.get_dispatcher(__name__)

And I can trace that to process_event where it calls self._process_event that appears to do nothing but log a warning and then returns on line 295 because we are not waiting for streaming.

Am I meant to create my own event handler that turns an event into a span?
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