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Updated 2 years ago

I ve got an issue where I can form a

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I've got an issue where I can form a Qdrant index but cannot use the reader, it gives a "name or service not known" error. Seems to come from the Qdrant client. Anyone working with it?
It's not a qdrant issue because I can manually form the client and search the db
@Mikko i saw you commented on the github issue but i can't see the comment, is this still an issue?
Yeah this I couldn't resolve yet. I commented about another issue (the doc_id missing with Qdrant), but that was a problem on my end, I think.
oh oops those were two separate issues, I see. @Kacper Łukawski do you happen to know re: this?
I also see that QdrantReader may have the same ref_doc_id missing as QdrantClient had, but couldn't confirm because of this "name or service not known" error
Ah but a different object is created from the response.
Okay I fixed this, will make a pr
thanks @Mikko !
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