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Updated 11 months ago

I construct my tools by doing the

At a glance

The community member has created a set of tools to analyze the type and origin of a document. The tools include a "document_type_finder" that identifies if the document is an invoice or purchase order, and a "document_origin_finder" that determines the country of origin based on the sender's information. However, the agent using these tools always responds that no document has been provided, even though the community member has not explicitly provided a document. The comments suggest that the tool descriptions may need to be more specific, such as requiring a document name or description, in order for the analysis to work properly. The community members are discussing ways to improve the tools to better interpret the document type and origin without requiring a specific document name.

I construct my tools by doing the following:
Plain Text
# create a set of tools on top of the query engine
query_engine_tools = [
            name = 'document_type_finder',
            description = (
                This tool finds the type of document and outputs the answer. 
                This tool will look for obvious features in the document such as words like "invoice" or "tax invoice" for invoice and words like "purchase order", "sales order" for purchase order.
                Finally, this tool only outputs answer as "invoice" or "purchase order"
            name = 'document_origin_finder',
            description = (
                This tool finds the country of origin of the document
                This finder will first identify the country of origin of the document sender by looking into its company name, address, or any other relevant information to derive the origin of country.
                Finally, this tool format the answer following to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 and outputs it.

# create a RAG ReAct QueryEngineTool agent
agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(tools=query_engine_tools, llm=llm, verbose=True)

response =
    What is the document type and origin? Use any of the tools provided to you.

I am not sure why but the agent thought process and answer is always about no document provided.

Plain Text
# output
>>>Thought: The user has not provided the document text for analysis. I need to ask for the document text to proceed with the analysis using the appropriate tool.
Answer: Could you please provide the text of the document you would like me to analyze for its type and origin?
If you are using openai, I wouldn't use a react agent (use openai agent)

secondly, I think the thought process here is just related to your tool descriptions. From the descriptions, it seems like you need to provide some specific document name in order to use those tools. Tweak the descriptions and it should be better
wut now i find htis out
What do you mean by providing some specific document name? There's usually no title for document for purchase orders and invoices. Perhaps you mean including a brief description about the document and who is it from?
you should Purchase_orders or purchase_Invoice mroe specific
Ok let me try that
I'm thinking if there's any way for the tools to help me interpret whether is it purchase order or invoice kind of document type. Then based of what document type, the agent decides which tool to use
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