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Updated 9 months ago

I am going though the video "Build

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I am going though the video "Build Agents from Scratch". At the end, the LLM reasoned that the tool output has satisfied the question and then move to the state is_done. I feel there is a leap of faith in that reasoning: how did it determine the output is enough? In case it did not like the tool output, will it go into an infinite loop?
There is a max iterations parameter usually. It really comes down to the LLM to make the decision, but you could also implement some custom way to detect "is_done"
Interesting. Similarly, when multiple tools are available, does the LLM make the tool selection?Is it possible to influence which tool the LLM might choose to run?
Yes, the LLM makes this decision. Its influenced by the current chat history + tool names + tool descriptions
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