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I am doing a rag chatbot with chat engine, how can I limit my output to strictly context a

At a glance I am doing a rag chatbot with chat engine, how can I limit my output to strictly context and provide as less output as possible. Right now iam getting answer and also full follow up information about my question
Please stand by @Tech explorer as I search the knowledge base. I normally take about 20 seconds or so. :wave:
To limit the output of your chatbot to strictly context and provide as less output as possible, you can use the context mode in the chat engine configuration. This mode will ensure that the chatbot's responses are strictly based on the context provided.

Here's how you can set it up:

Plain Text
from llama_index.core import VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.core.memory import ChatMemoryBuffer

# Load data and build index
data = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_dir="./data/paul_graham/").load_data()
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(data)

# Configure chat engine
memory = ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(token_limit=1500) # Adjust token limit as needed

chat_engine = index.as_chat_engine(
        "You are a chatbot, able to have normal interactions, as well as talk"
        " about an essay discussing Paul Grahams life."

In the above code, chat_mode is set to "context", which means the chatbot will only use the context provided to generate responses. The token_limit in ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(token_limit=1500) is set to 1500, which limits the length of the chat history that the chatbot can remember. You can adjust this value as needed to further limit the output of your chatbot.

You can then use the chat method of the chat_engine to interact with your chatbot:

Plain Text
response ="Your question here")

Remember to reset the conversation state when you want to start a new conversation:

Plain Text
For more details, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation ().
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---------------------- some time oneliner will be sufficient for my question but it's giving more than 3 lines, hours can I reduce my output
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
To reduce the output of your chatbot, you can post-process the response to only include the first line or a certain number of characters. However, this might cut off the response in the middle of a sentence or thought, which could lead to confusion.

Here's an example of how you can limit the response to the first line:

Plain Text
response ="Your question here")
first_line = response.split('\n')[0]

In this code, response.split('\n')[0] splits the response into lines and takes the first line.

Please note that this is a simple solution and might not work perfectly for all cases. For a more sophisticated solution, you might need to implement a custom response generation algorithm or use a different model that is designed to generate shorter responses.

Remember that LlamaIndex is a tool to help you interact with large external knowledge bases, and the length of the responses is primarily determined by the underlying language model and the prompts you use. You might need to experiment with different prompts and configurations to get the desired output length.
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---------------------- with out splitting can I use synthesizer or summarizer
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Yes, you can use a response synthesizer or summarizer to control the length of the output. In LlamaIndex, the ResponseSynthesizer module is responsible for generating a response from an LLM (Language Learning Model), using a user query and a given set of text chunks.

For instance, the TreeSummarize synthesizer can be used to generate a summarized response. Here's an example of how you can use it:

Plain Text
from llama_index.core.response_synthesizers import TreeSummarize
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
summarizer = TreeSummarize(llm=llm, verbose=True)

response = summarizer.get_response("Your question here", texts)

In this code, TreeSummarize is used to generate a summarized response. The get_response method takes a query and a list of text chunks (texts) and returns a summarized response.

Please note that the effectiveness of this approach in reducing the length of the output will depend on the specific characteristics of your data and the capabilities of the underlying LLM.

For more details, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation ().
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---------------------- right now iam using from llamaindex.llama_cpp import LlamaCpp for llm instance. How can I speed up cpu inference by utilising more cores if cpu and optimum batch size and any model qwargs to fully utalize my cpu
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
To speed up CPU inference and utilize more cores, you can use the LlamaCPP module from LlamaIndex, which is designed to work with the llama-cpp-python library. This library is optimized for multi-core CPUs and can significantly speed up inference.

Here's how you can set it up:

Plain Text
from llama_index.llms.llama_cpp import LlamaCPP

llm = LlamaCPP(model_name="NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf")

In this code, LlamaCPP is used to create an instance of the LLM. The model_name parameter specifies the name of the model to use.

To get the best performance out of LlamaCPP, it is recommended to install the package so that it is compiled with GPU support. However, if you're running on a CPU, you can use the following libraries depending on your hardware:

  • Use CuBLAS if you have CUDA and an NVidia GPU
  • Use METAL if you are running on an M1/M2 MacBook
  • Use CLBLAST if you are running on an AMD/Intel GPU
You can install the necessary packages with the following commands:

Plain Text
%pip install llama-index-embeddings-huggingface
%pip install llama-index-llms-llama-cpp

Please note that the effectiveness of this approach in speeding up inference will depend on the specific characteristics of your hardware and the capabilities of the underlying LLM.

For more details, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation ().
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---------------------- how to force model to use cores in parallel and use maximum cores
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To force the model to use cores in parallel and utilize maximum cores, you need to set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of cores you want to use before running your Python script. This can be done in the terminal or directly in your Python script using the os module.

Here's how you can set it in your Python script:

Plain Text
import os

# Set the number of OpenMP threads to use for parallelization
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "8"  # Replace "8" with the number of cores you want to use

In this code, os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "8" sets the number of OpenMP threads to 8. You should replace "8" with the number of cores you want to use.

Please note that this will only work if your model and the underlying libraries support multi-threading with OpenMP. Also, using more cores does not always lead to faster execution, as there can be overhead from synchronizing the threads.

For more details, you can refer to the OpenMP documentation ().
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---------------------- can I pass any parameters in llamacpp to use multiple cores
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
Based on the provided extracts, there is no direct parameter in the LlamaCPP constructor to specify the number of cores to use for parallel processing. The LlamaCPP class takes the following parameters:

Plain Text
llm = LlamaCPP(
    model_kwargs={"n_gpu_layers": 1},

The model_kwargs parameter allows you to pass arguments to the underlying model, but it's not clear from the extracts whether this includes parameters for multi-core processing.

However, it's worth noting that many machine learning libraries (including those likely used by LlamaCPP) automatically use all available cores for computation, unless otherwise specified. If you're not seeing this behavior, it could be due to other factors such as the size of your data or the specific operations being performed.

For more details, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation ().
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---------------------- I don't have GPU , I want to pass cpu cores for parallel processing
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
Based on the provided extracts, there isn't a direct way to specify the number of CPU cores for parallel processing in the LlamaCPP constructor. However, many machine learning libraries, including those likely used by LlamaCPP, are designed to automatically utilize all available CPU cores for computation.

If you want to control the number of cores used by your Python script, you can set the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable, which is often used by libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and pandas to control multi-threading. Here's how you can set it in your Python script:

Plain Text
import os

# Set the number of OpenMP threads to use for parallelization
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "8"  # Replace "8" with the number of cores you want to use

In this code, os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "8" sets the number of OpenMP threads to 8. You should replace "8" with the number of cores you want to use.

Please note that this will only work if your model and the underlying libraries support multi-threading with OpenMP. Also, using more cores does not always lead to faster execution, as there can be overhead from synchronizing the threads.

For more details, you can refer to the OpenMP documentation ().
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---------------------- how can I use response synthesizer in chat engine and set it to compact
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
To use a response synthesizer in a chat engine and set it to compact mode, you can use the get_response_synthesizer function from the llama_index.core module. Here's an example of how you can do it:

Plain Text
from llama_index.core.data_structs import Node
from llama_index.core.schema import NodeWithScore
from llama_index.core import get_response_synthesizer

# Get a response synthesizer in compact mode
response_synthesizer = get_response_synthesizer(response_mode="compact")

# Use the response synthesizer to generate a response
response = response_synthesizer.synthesize(
    "query text", nodes=[NodeWithScore(node=Node(text="text"), score=1.0), ...]

In this code, get_response_synthesizer(response_mode="compact") gets a response synthesizer in compact mode. The synthesize method is then used to generate a response from a query and a list of nodes.

You can also use the response synthesizer in a query engine:

Plain Text
# Create a query engine with the response synthesizer
query_engine = index.as_query_engine(response_synthesizer=response_synthesizer)

# Use the query engine to generate a response
response = query_engine.query("query_text")

In this code, index.as_query_engine(response_synthesizer=response_synthesizer) creates a query engine with the response synthesizer. The query method is then used to generate a response from a query.

For more details, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation ().
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---------------------- but I need to use it in chat engine . And I see chat engine has no response synthesizer Param
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
I apologize for the confusion. You're correct, the ChatEngine in LlamaIndex does not directly accept a ResponseSynthesizer as a parameter. The ChatEngine is designed to handle the conversation flow and it uses its own internal methods to generate responses.

However, you can control the response mode of the ChatEngine by setting the chat_mode parameter when creating the ChatEngine. Here's an example:

Plain Text
from llama_index.core import VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.core.memory import ChatMemoryBuffer

# Load data and build index
data = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_dir="./data/paul_graham/").load_data()
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(data)

# Configure chat engine
memory = ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(token_limit=1500) # Adjust token limit as needed

chat_engine = index.as_chat_engine(
        "You are a chatbot, able to have normal interactions, as well as talk"
        " about an essay discussing Paul Grahams life."

In this code, chat_mode is set to "context", which means the chatbot will only use the context provided to generate responses. The token_limit in ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(token_limit=1500) is set to 1500, which limits the length of the chat history that the chatbot can remember. You can adjust this value as needed to further limit the output of your chatbot.

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to set the response mode to "compact" in the ChatEngine. The response mode is determined by the underlying LLM and the prompts you use. You might need to experiment with different prompts and configurations to get the desired output length.
For more details, you can refer to the LlamaIndex documentation ().
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