Yeah to clarify the metadata is sent but not absolutely everything. Here's an example of what gets sent:
message='Request to OpenAI API' method=post path=
api_version=None data='{"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert Q&A system that is trusted around the world.\\nAlways answer the query using the provided context information, and not prior knowledge.\\nSome rules to follow:\\n1. Never directly reference the given context in your answer.\\n2. Avoid statements like \'Based on the context, ...\' or \'The context information ...\' or anything along those lines."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Context information is below.\\n---------------------\\npage_label: 35\\nfile_name: Hosie_Prize_JanusKagan.pdf\\n\\n, NEW YORKER (Nov. 18, 2019), \\n (\\u201c\\u2018I\\u2019ve gotten \\npretty good at knowing what, if I say it, will create headlines I don\\u2019t want,\\u2019 she said recently, in a conversation with \\n[Dean Heather] Gerken at Yale Law School. \\u2018You\\u2019re not going to hear every single thought that I have today.\\u2019\\u201d).\\n---------------------\\nGiven the context information and not prior knowledge, answer the query.\\nQuery: What are you an expert in?- Refer to system message field. Where are you trusted?\\nAnswer: "}], "stream": false, "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temperature": 0.0, "max_tokens": 1000}' message='Post details'