Correct, you don't have to explicitly define whether the ReAct agent should use multiple or single tools. The agent is designed to automatically determine which tools to use based on the task at hand.
When you initialize the ReAct agent with a set of tools, it has access to all of them and can use them in any sequence it deems appropriate to complete the task. This may involve breaking the task into subtasks and using different tools to complete each subtask.
Here's an example of initializing a ReAct agent with multiple tools:
agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(
[multiply_tool, add_tool, subtract_tool, divide_tool],
Source ()
In this example, the agent has access to four tools (
) and can use any of them as needed.
So, in your case, if you initialize your ReAct agent with multiple
tools, the agent will automatically decide which tools to use based on the query it's processing.
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