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Updated 2 years ago

Hi folks first of all thanks for this

At a glance
Hi folks, first of all, thanks for this awesome job

I'm trying to estimate the costs of the "training", the use case is the following: I have lot of pdfs and I want to integrate them with LLM. By using the MockLLMPredictor, I get the following info attached (all of them based on SimpleDirectoryReader, same dir), the question is... does these values have sense?, the "per query" it's obviously a query estimation based on 5 five queries made with Mocks.
Hmm, I get slightly different costs for some reason

The Cost column includes the build tokens + 50 queries right?
But the build cost is just 1 time, no?
oh whoops lol you are right
This is the formula (IMHO)
yea you got, I was multiplying the build for every query lol
hahaha, noooo I don't want to pay extra cost hahaha
Just FYI this is just the 10% of the docs hahahaha
Concerning the cost these 3 indexes are definitely the most expensive πŸ™‚

You might also be interested in making a vector index for each PDF (if they are all pretty separate topics) and then combining them all with a top level tree or keyword index, instead of a single vector index

Lots of small experiments you could run to try and get the best results.
I was thinking on splitting by year
Oh boy hahah

If you end up using a vector index, look into using pinecone or qdrant (or similar) to store the vectors. Otherwise your computer will hate you for loading so much into memory
But jmmm, it looks pretty good

With the GPTSimpleVectorIndex, it stores the embedding for each document chunk in memory. Good for testing and when the index is smaller

But dedicated vector stores have this all optimized
Cool thanks, will ty to learn this behaviour
Hope to have something to show in the #😎app-showcase soon πŸ™‚
Jmmm I think I'm missing something, if I try to create the index with GPTSimpleVectorIndex and mock predictor but I get "quota api excc" errors, but I'm using the... mock, right? Forget it, some errors in the code
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