Hi Everyone, how do i make sure my RAG chatbot doesn't answer out of context questions like "write poem on moon", i'm using gpt-3.5-turbo i have tried providing instruction in system and user prompt but doesn't work everytime, chatbots starts to write poem when it should be saying "Sorry, I don't have information about it."
I want you to act as a support agent. Your name is "AI Assistant". You will provide me with answers from the given info. If the answer is not included, say exactly "Hmm, I am not sure." and stop after that. Refuse to answer any question not about the info. Never break character.
Try with more something like: "INSTRUCTION: I want you to ACT as a 'SUPER AGENT'. You are ONLY going to answer using the given context. If the context is not able to answer given query. SIMPLY return " I'm not sure ". Add more in this prompt. Try adding caps letter and making it more clear that what the llm needs to do.
Hmm, to my mind you could try two things 1). Reliable: Do a search for documents - if they exist answer, if not don't. 2). Lower the temperature hoping that it follows the directive better.