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Updated 4 months ago

Hey Is it possible using a langchain

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Hey! Is it possible using a langchain vectorstore agent which takes as input a GPT vector store index?
Now i will try it. But can I say that you’re like a magician?😂 you’re great, thx, hope it works in my code. For what I can I support you!
@jerryjliu0 i tried it and changing the agent to “zero-shot-react-description” I’m obtaining better results based on the text. I’m taking inspiration from this one:

My goal is to use a router (unfortunately using GPTTreeIndex is impossible cause I can’t summarize all my docs, they are too much and I would lose too details) for searching and combine/refine the answer based on the texts.

However, when I use LLMPredictor and a query on the GPTSimpleVectorIndex i get the best answer! (Is it due to the prompt engineering?)

How can I combine all this methods? Sorry, it’s a tricky question
@AndreaSel93 given the notebook example, did you try to define GPTSimpleVectorIndex as a Tool abstraction for an agent/
I basically followed the your 🙂 maybe i didnt get it, sorry, what do you mean for Tool abstraction? Defining the GPTSimpleVectorIndex and then passing it to the tool? If you mean this, yes I did just as indicated in the link you provided.
Ah I see. Then it might be a matter of prompt engineering on the agent side (esp tuning the text description) to get the results that you'd want
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