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Updated last year

hey, I'm using use_async to build index

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hey, I'm using use_async to build index from a lot of documents but it gives me Rate limit reached for text-embedding-ada-002 no matter how I adjust batch size. Changing to use_async = false fixes this but makes it very very slow and batch size dont apply when use_async = false for some reason. How can I embed a lot of documents quickly while without getting rate limit error? thank you!
When using async false, how much volume is it doing? Do you get close to the OpenAI rate limits?
async = true: Generating embeddings: 45%| | 18/40 [01:11<01:27, 3.99s/it]
openai.error.RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for text-embedding-ada-002 in organization **** on tokens per min. Limit: 1000000 / min. Current: 992848 / min.
async = false: Generating embeddings: 88%|▏ | 17500/19999 [02:54<00:28, 86.19it/s], it stays /19999 no matter what batch size I set
Since you're hitting the OpenAI limit, you cannot really bypass that without requesting an increased quota
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