Hi! For entity and relation properties, looking through the code it looks like you define a single str list of properties. Does this mean that all the properties are shared between all the entities? (For PropertyGraphIndex and extractors)
I'm going to test adding descriptions to the entities to say which entities a property is associated with for now. It would be great to get confirmation. I couldn't find any documentation related to this. Thank you in advance!
I also realized that the SchemaLLMPathExtractor allows you to input a list of possible props but never actually input them in the extract prompt as far as I can tell?
Dosa is telling me The SchemaLLMPathExtractor does not extract properties directly from the node itself. Instead, it uses the _prune_invalid_triplets method to filter and validate the extracted triplets based on the defined schema and properties. The properties are not extracted from the node but are used to prune and validate the properties that are inherited or associated with the triplets during the extraction process
in which I'm not sure if it's just trying to agree with me for the sake of being a chatbot or it is right.
Yea its wrong. The pydantic model is used in the SchemaLLMPathExtractor as a json schema essentially, which includes all the properties and descriptions, etc.
LLMs that don't have tool calling go through a more manual process, just showing them the json schema and getting them to predict back json that we parse