The community member is using the EmbeddedTablesUnstructuredRetrieverPack and is getting a message saying "Embeddings have been explicitly disabled. Using MockEmbedding." They are asking how to fix this. The comments indicate that this message is not an error, but rather a step under the hood where the language model is used to generate summaries of tables. Another community member provided a link to the relevant code. The community members discuss trying to understand what is happening under the hood, but there is no explicitly marked answer.
I tried to find where the message is, in order to understand what's happenning under the hood but I could not find anything, how is it from your side @Sayan ? do you have more info @Logan M ?
Thank you ! It was so hard to find this piece of code in my editor for some reason ! I'd follow on the code to find what is calling what, but I couldn't find it