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Updated 2 months ago

Draw All Flows Utility Fails With InputRequiredEvent

At a glance
The community member reported an issue with the draw_all_flows utility in the llama-index library, where it fails when there is an InputRequiredEvent. The error message indicates that the utility is trying to add an edge to a non-existent node. A comment suggests that this issue should be fixed in newer releases of the llama-index-utils-workflow package, and recommends upgrading to the latest version.
Hey! The draw_all_flows utility fails when there's HITL (basically whenever there is an InputRequiredEvent)

Plain Text
File /opt/anaconda3/envs/llamaindex/lib/python3.12/site-packages/llama_index/utils/workflow/, in draw_all_possible_flows(workflow, filename, notebook)
     60 for return_type in step_config.return_types:
     61     if return_type != type(None):
---> 62         net.add_edge(step_name, return_type.__name__)
     64 for event_type in step_config.accepted_events:
     65     net.add_edge(event_type.__name__, step_name)

File /opt/anaconda3/envs/llamaindex/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyvis/, in Network.add_edge(self, source, to, **options)
    368 # verify nodes exists
    369 assert source in self.get_nodes(), \
    370     "non existent node '" + str(source) + "'"
--> 372 assert to in self.get_nodes(), \
    373     "non existent node '" + str(to) + "'"
    375 # we only check existing edge for undirected graphs
    376 if not self.directed:

AssertionError: non existent node 'InputRequiredEvent'
1 comment
this should be fixed in new releases: pip install -U llama-index-utils-workflow
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