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Updated 2 years ago

Composable index

At a glance
I'm building a composable graph as a hamfisted attempt to modularly add or remove indices.

ComposableGraph doesn't let me do things like "tree_summarize" what traversals exist for that? I would be open to using a different means of composing indices.
You can pass tree_summarize as an argument to the indexes in the graph

All the composable graph does is route your queries to specific indexes, and then those indexes are queried using the settings from the query configs πŸ‘
Can you show me the documentation for that. The last time that I tried. It seemed to tell me that this wasn't an accepted keyword. I can try it again.
Additional question:
what if... two List Indices happen to have the information needed to answer a query, will one be ignored?
Yea inside the query config, you can set the response mode under query_kwargs for that index
Possibly! It depends on what the top level index is πŸ€”
oh so I pass it a separate dict for query configs rather than the kwargs directly!
I'll ask this as a separate question in #❓py-issues-and-help so that it can have a thread for it
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