The community member is experiencing an issue with the SQLDatabase class from the LLaMA Index library, where they are getting a CompileError when trying to display table information. The error message indicates that the request_data column in the company_erp_instance_data_requests table is of type NullType, and the community member notes that this column stores XML data.
Another community member responds that the issue may be related to SQLAlchemy and XML column types, and suggests the community member review the source code for the SQLDatabase class in the LLaMA Index and LangChain libraries for more information.
The community member expresses appreciation for the response.
is there a detailed documentation for SQLDatabase?
I used the command: sql_database = SQLDatabase(engine)
But when i display table info: sql_database.table_info
I get the following error: CompileError: (in table 'company_erp_instance_data_requests', column 'request_data'): Can't generate DDL for NullType(); did you forget to specify a type on this Column?