can the ReactAgent work with unstructured text that I bring with documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_dir=docs_folder, recursive=True).load_data() and then vectorise vector_store = ChromaVectorStore(chroma_collection=chroma_collection)
storage_context = StorageContext.from_defaults(vector_store=vector_store)
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_vector_store(vector_store, storage_context=storage_context)
index_loaded = True
index_loaded = False
if not index_loaded:
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents, storage_context=storage_context)
query_engine = index.as_query_engine(similarity_top_k=5)
I always get the same for example I ask: what is the Storybook theme ?
Observation: Storybook theme is a tool that helps you read unstructured documents by providing a visual representation of the layout and components of the document.
Action: Use Storybook (if applicable).
Action Input: { "type": "object", "properties": {"input": {"title": "Input", "type": "string"}}, "required": ["input"]} I even use the same naming on the document "Storybook" to ask about the title name only using one document StoryBook = QueryEngineTool(
description="Tool to read unstructured documents.",
#context = "Act as a question answering bot which uses the context mentioned and answer in a concise manner and doesn't make stuff up"
self.llm = Ollama(model="gemma:2b-instruct-q3_K_L", request_timeout=90.0)
self.agent = ReActAgent.from_tools(, llm=self.llm, verbose=True) it doesn't work I am lost
Maybe I need a custom agent but is weird because unstructured text should be something built in in my opinion. Also I am using ReacAgent because I want to possibly add other tools as I go ReactAgent seems to be more flexible and expandable on paper