parameter is used to define filters specific to the vector index when building the
. In the given example, the filter is set to only include documents with the title "paul_graham_essay". This allows you to reuse Pinecone indexes with different metadata filters for different subsets of documents.
Here's the relevant code snippet from the information extracts:
metadata_filters = {"title": "paul_graham_essay"}
# Load documents, build the GPTPineconeIndex
documents = SimpleDirectoryReader('../paul_graham_essay/data').load_data()
index = GPTPineconeIndex.from_documents(
documents, pinecone_index=index, metadata_filters=metadata_filters
# Query index
response = index.query("What did the author do growing up?")
In this example, when querying the
, it will only consider documents that match the specified metadata filter (i.e., documents with the title "paul_graham_essay").
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