Can anyone explain what is the id_to_text_map? Also I suppose the query vector is the embedding for the prompt given to index. I'm even thinking this will present a challenge if the query happens to be complex that needs further breaking down before it approaches the index in many cases.
from llama_index import download_loader
import os
PineconeReader = download_loader('PineconeReader')
# the id_to_text_map specifies a mapping from the ID specified in Pinecone to your text.
id_to_text_map = {
"id1": "text blob 1",
"id2": "text blob 2",
# ...
query_vector=[n1, n2, n3, ...]
reader = PineconeReader(api_key=api_key, environment="us-west1-gcp")
documents = reader.load_data(
Can anyone shed some light here, will be super useful.